Category: Blogtober2018

What is Azure DevOps?

In this series of blog posts I cover Azure DevOps, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

So what is it and more importantly what can I do with it?

Azure DevOps has been split up into 5 main areas which are: –








If you want to get a head start with Azure DevOps and get generate a full Azure DevOps instance you can find out how to do this in 5 easy steps in my blog post on how to get started here:-

So lets take each one in turn:-

Azure Pipelines –
Azure Boards – Coming soon…
Azure Repos – Coming soon…
Azure Artifacts – Coming Soon…
Azure Test Plans – Coming Soon…

You can read all the docs on Azure DevOps here: – and follow their twitter account here: –

How to get started with Azure DevOps

Ok so Azure Devops (formerly Visual Studio Team Services) is out and you have heard good things and want to get started playing around with it.

How would you like to start off with a ready made Azure DevOps template that sets up a lot of the stuff for you and lets you learn how to use it and do whatever you want to it for free?

More info on the solution which we will install below can be found here: –

Ah what is SmartHotel360 I hear you ask, ok read here: –

For instructions on how to setup SmartHotel360 read here:-

I opened this up in Visual Studio 2107 and then built and ran it and you get the full blown website like below: –

In order to get started with AzureDevops follow these simple steps: –

So what are you waiting for go play with AzureDevops for free and learn how to use the amazing functionality that comes with it – enjoy!

Check back soon for much more on Azure DevOps!


New Azure Exams – My thoughts on them

I have sat 6 of the Azure Beta exams in the last couple of months and I just wanted to jot down my thoughts on each of the exams which will hopefully help people who are thinking of doing them in the upcoming months.

You can find out a lot of good info on these exams here:-

I started with the Azure Administrator Beta exams:-


The 2 exams above are now no longer in Beta and are essentially live and good to go.

These exams are the best place to get started in my opinion, recommend you start with these if you haven’t already,

Next up I sat the Azure Architect beta exams:-

AZ-300 –
AZ-301 –

The 2 exams above are still in Beta and wont go live till the start of January 2019.

Note:- There are a few coding questions on this exam, so if you’re an architect that isn’t hands on I recommend you spend some time doing so, otherwise you might feel disappointed/frustrated after sitting the exam.

Next up I sat the Azure Developer beta exams:-

AZ-200 –
AZ-201 –

The 2 exams above are still in Beta and wont go live till the start of January 2019.

Note:- These two exams were very tough for me, I am a developer, now manager and not hands on writing code day in and day out and unless you really know Azure from writing code against it, I think you will struggle on these exams.

The AZ-200 is hard but the AZ-201 is really hard in my opinion, even harder when you find a bug in a radio button and you can’t select your answer.

Overall the exams are pretty good, there are some cross over questions from one exam to the other which I wasn’t expecting, but probably makes sense.

Question:- Which exams should I take first?
Answer:- Obviously it depends on your skill set, but I would probably say start with the Administrator exams if your starting out,  many people have already passed the beta and there will be practice tests and useful blog posts already available for this exam. – so my answer would be do the Administrator, Architect, Developer exams if your able to do them all.

Question:- Are there any new types of exam questions?
Answer:- Not that I have seen so far.

Question:- Are they hard?
Answer:- Again depends on your experience, Administrator, Architect, Dev is for me going up the scale in how difficult they were for me, but that’s my own personal take on the exams. My favourite exam was the AZ-301 exam.

Question:- Why are you sitting all these exams, are you insane?
Answer:- I want to learn as much Azure as possible, yes I wont pass some of the exams, maybe even not ever, but that’s ok,  it shows me where my knowledge is weak and where I need to go learn more.

Final thoughts:-

I would encourage everyone to get hands on, reading material isn’t going to get you a pass on any of these exams, especially the Developer exams, there is a lot of content and they focus on the newer technologies that are out. I spent a lot of time reading and going over some topics that haven’t appeared in any of the exams, that’s fine and at least I have learned these topics.

I think that rather than being an expert in any particular area my overall Azure skills have increased a fair bit,  I now know which tools to use and why, if not the low-level details that sometimes get asked in the exams.

The longer you wait the more study materials and practice tests will appear

Best of luck to you all!, and let me know how you get on and how you thought the exams went.

Azure DevOps AZ-400 Exam – Study Notes

Microsoft recently released information around the new Azure DevOps exam: –

This blog post will cover available learning materials and docs links to information relevant to the exam AZ-400, links to these articles will be updated regularly.

Hopefully this will give you a head start on what you need to learn in order to pass the AZ-400 exam.

UPDATE: The following course is the best study resource I have found before I sat and passed this exam: –

These 2 are also very good: –

Introducing Azure DevOps – and

And how about some free Azure DevOps labs –

Checkout Donovan Brown and others demoing off Azure Devops  –

Design a DevOps Strategy (20-25%)
Recommend a migration and consolidation strategy for DevOps tools – Analyze existing artifact (e.g. deployment packages, NuGet) and container repositories
– Analyze existing test management tools
– Analyze existing work management tools
– Recommend migration and integration strategies for artifact repositories, source control, test management, and work management

Azure Test Plans –
Azure Boards –
Migrate to Azure DevOps –

Design and implement an Agile work management approach – Identify and recommend project metrics, KPIs, and DevOps measurements (e.g. cycle time, lead time, Azure Kubernetes Service, WIP limit)
– Implement tools and processes to support Agile work management
– Mentor team members on Agile techniques and practices
– Recommend an organization structure that supports scaling Agile practices
– Recommend in-team and cross-team collaboration mechanisms
Implement tools and processes to support Agile work management –

Design a quality strategy – Analyze existing quality environment
– Identify and recommend quality metrics
– Recommend a strategy for feature flag lifecycle
– Recommend a strategy for measuring and managing technical debt
– Recommend changes to team structure to optimize quality
– Recommend performance testing strategy

Design a secure development process – Inspect and validate code base for compliance
– Inspect and validate infrastructure for compliance
– Recommend a secure development strategy
– Recommend tools and practices to integrate code security validation (e.g. static code analysis)
– Recommend tools and practices to integrate infrastructure security validation

Getting started with the Secure DevOps Kit for Azure (AzSK) –
Use InSpec for compliance automation of your Azure infrastructure –
Mindset shift to a DevSecOps culture –
Static Code Analyis –
Learn how to add continuous security validation to your CI/CD pipeline –

Design a tool integration strategy – Design a license management strategy (e.g. VSTS users, concurrent pipelines, test environments, open source software licensing, DevOps tools and services, package management licensing)
– Design a strategy for end-to-end traceability from work items to working software
– Design a strategy for integrating monitoring and feedback to development teams
– Design an authentication and access strategy
– Design a strategy for integrating on-premises and cloud resources

Implement DevOps Development Processes (20-25%)
Design a version control strategy – Recommend branching models
– Recommend version control systems
– Recommend code flow strategy

Git –
Branch policies –

Implement and integrate source control – Integrate external source control
– Integrate source control into third-party continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems

Implement and manage build infrastructure – Implement private and hosted agents
– Integrate third party build systems
– Recommend strategy for concurrent pipelines
– Manage VSTS pipeline configuration (e.g. agent queues, service endpoints, pools, webhooks)

Pipelines –
Concurrent Jobs –

Implement code flow – Implement pull request strategies
– Implement branch and fork strategies
– Configure branch policies

Pull Requests –
Branch Policies:-

Implement a mobile DevOps strategy – Manage mobile target device sets and distribution groups
– Manage target UI test device sets
– Provision tester devices for deployment
– Create public and private distribution groups

Mobile DevOps –
UI Tests –
Distribution Groups –

Managing application configuration and secrets – Im a secure and compliant development process
– Implement general (non-secret) configuration data
– Manage secrets, tokens, and certificates
– Implement applications configurations (e.g. Web App, Azure Kubernetes Service, containers)
– Implement secrets management (e.g. Web App, Azure Kubernetes Service, containers, Azure Key Vault)
– Implement tools for managing security and compliance in the pipeline

Secure DevOps Kit for Azure –
Manage secrets, tokens and certs –
Implement applications configurations (e.g. Web App, Azure Kubernetes Service, containers) –
Implement secrets management –
Implement tools for managing security and compliance in the pipeline –

Implement Continuous Integration (10-15%)
Manage code quality and security policies – Monitor code quality
– Configure build to report on code coverage
– Manage automated test quality
– Manage test suites and categories
– Monitor quality of tests
– Integrate security analysis tools (e.g. SonarQube, WhiteSource Bolt, Open Web Application Security Project)

Monitor Code Quality –
DevOps Reporting –
Automated Testing –
Test suites and categories –
Integrate security analysis tools –

Implement a container build strategy – Create deployable images (e.g. Docker, Azure Container Registry)
– Analyze and integrate Docker multi-stage builds

Container DevOps in Azure –
Add a container registry in Azure – and

Implement a build strategy – Design build triggers, tools, integrations, and workflow
– Implement a hybrid build process
– Implement multi-agent builds
– Recommend build tools and configuration
– Set up an automated build workflow

Design build triggers – and
Azure Pipelines –
DevOps tool integrations –
DevOps overview for Azure DevOps Services –

Implement Continuous Delivery (10-15%)
Design a release strategy – Recommend release tools
– Identify and recommend release approvals and gates
– Recommend strategy for measuring quality of release and release process
– Recommend strategy for release notes and documentation
– Select appropriate deployment pattern

Use the visual designer –
Use approvals and gates to control your deployment –
Release approvals and gates overview –
Release deployment control using gates –

Set up a release management workflow – Automate inspection of health signals for release approvals by using release gates
– Configure automated integration and functional test execution
– Create a release pipeline (e.g. Azure Kubernetes Service, Service Fabric, WebApp)
– Create multi-phase release pipelines
– Integrate secrets with release pipeline
– Provision and configure environments
– Manage and modularize tasks and templates (e.g. task and variable groups)

UI test with Selenium –
Run Functional Tests task –
Set up environments to run continuous test tasks with your build tasks –
Run automated tests from test plans –
Continuously build, test and deploy to any platform and cloud –
Define your multi-stage continuous deployment (CD) pipeline –
Multi-phase builds – VSTS Sprint 123 Update –
Release stages, queuing policies, and options –
Multiple jobs –
Azure Key Vault task –
Task and variable groups –
Task groups for builds and releases –

Implement an appropriate deployment pattern – Implement blue-green deployments
– Implement canary deployments
– Implement progressive exposure deployments
– Scale a release pipeline to deploy to multiple endpoints (e.g. deployment groups, Azure Kubernetes Service, Service Fabric)

Implement blue-green deployments –
Implement progressive exposure deployments –
Explore how to progressively expose your Azure DevOps extension releases in production to validate, before impacting all users –

Implement Dependency Management (5-10%)
Design a dependency management strategy – Recommend artifact management tools and practices
– Abstract common packages to enable sharing and reuse
– Inspect codebase to identify code dependencies that can be converted to packages
– Identify and recommend standardized package types and versions across the solution
– Refactor existing build pipelines to implement version strategy that publishes packages

Getting started with package management using Azure Artifacts –
Azure Artifacts –
Secure and share packages using feed permissions –
Collaborate more and build faster with packages –
Versioning –

Manage security and compliance – Inspect open source software packages for security and license compliance to align with corporate standards (e.g. GPLv3)
– Configure build pipeline to access package security and license rating (e.g. Black Duck, White Source)
– Configure secure access to package feeds

Configure build pipeline to access package security and license rating (e.g. Black Duck, White Source) –
Configure secure access to package feeds –

Implement Application Infrastructure (15-20%)
Design an infrastructure and configuration management strategy – Analyze existing and future hosting infrastructure
– Analyze existing Infrastructure as Code technologies
– Design a strategy for managing technical debt on templates
– Design a strategy for using transient infrastructure for parts of a delivery lifecycle
– Design a strategy to mitigate infrastructure state drift

Analyze existing Infrastructure as Code technologies –
Design a strategy for managing technical debt on templates –
Design a strategy for using transient infrastructure for parts of a delivery lifecycle –
Design a strategy to mitigate infrastructure state drift –

Implement Infrastructure as Code – Create nested resource templates
– Manage secrets in resource templates
– Provision Azure resources
– Recommend an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) strategy
– Recommend appropriate technologies for configuration management

Create nested resource templates –
Manage secrets in resource templates –
Provision Azure resources –
Recommend an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) strategy –

Manage Azure Kubernetes Service infrastructure – Provision Azure Kubernetes Service (e.g. using ARM templates, CLI)
– Create deployment file for publishing to Azure Kubernetes Service (e.g. kubectl, Helm)
– Develop a scaling plan

Provision Azure Kubernetes Service (e.g. using ARM templates, CLI) –
Create deployment file for publishing to Azure Kubernetes Service (e.g. kubectl, Helm) –
Develop a scaling plan –

Implement infrastructure compliance and security – Implement compliance and security scanning
– Prevent drift by using configuration management tools
– Set up an automated pipeline to inspect security and compliance

Implement compliance and security scanning –
Prevent drift by using configuration management tools –

Implement Continuous Feedback (10-15%)
Recommend and design system feedback mechanisms – Design practices to measure end-user satisfaction (e.g. Send a Smile, app analytics)
– Design processes to capture and analyze user feedback from external sources (e.g. Twitter, Reddit, Help Desk)
– Design routing for client application crash report data (e.g. HockeyApp)
– Recommend monitoring tools and technologies
– Recommend system and feature usage tracking tools

Design processes to capture and analyze user feedback from external sources –
Design routing for client application crash report data (e.g. HockeyApp) –
Recommend monitoring tools and technologies –

Implement process for routing system feedback to development teams – Configure crash report integration for client applications
– Develop monitoring and status dashboards
– Implement routing for client application crash report data (e.g. HockeyApp)
– Implement tools to track system usage, feature usage, and flow
– Integrate and configure ticketing systems with development team’s work management system (e.g. IT Service Management connector, ServiceNow Cloud Management, App Insights work items)

Configure crash report integration for client applications –
Develop monitoring and status dashboards –
Implement routing for client application crash report data (e.g. HockeyApp) –

Optimize feedback mechanisms – Analyze alerts to establish a baseline
– Analyze telemetry to establish a baseline
– Perform live site reviews and capture feedback for system outages
– Perform ongoing tuning to reduce meaningless or non-actionable alerts

Analyze alerts to establish a baseline –
Perform live site reviews and capture feedback for system outages –

Azure Exam Tips Part 4 – Create a storage account using the Azure CLI

Tip #4 – I need to know how to create a storage account using the Azure CLI . I need to practice these exams tips regularly in order to try to remember them.

Create a new storage account with a resource group, name,location, sku and kind, then do az storage account create passing in 5 parameters.

So the points to note for Creating a VM in Azure using the CLI are the following key points:-

Create a VM using Azure CLI (know the order) 5 parameters

  • az group create –name GregorExamsRG –location westeurope
  • az storage account create \
    –name GregorExams2storage \
    –resource-group GregorExamsRG \
    –location westeurope \
    –sku Standard_LRS \
    –kind StorageV2

Azure Exam Tips Part 3 – Create a storage account in Azure using PowerShell

Tip #3 – I need to know how to create a storage account in Azure using PowerShell.

Create a new storage account with a resource group, name, location, sku and kind.

So the points to note for Creating a storage account in Azure from PowerShell are the following key points:-

Create a storage account using PowerShell (know the order) 5 parameters

  1. New-AzureRmResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName “GregExams” -Location “WestEurope”
  2. New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName GregExams `
    -Name gregexams2storage `
    -Location WestEurope `
    -SkuName Standard_LRS `
    -Kind StorageV2


Azure Exam Tips Part 2 – Create an Azure VM using the Azure CLI

Tip #2 – I need to know how to create a Virtual Machine from the Azure CLI . I need to practice these exams tips regularly in order to try to remember them.

Create a new Resource Group with a name and location, then do az vm create and then do az vm open-port  passing in 5 parameters.

So the points to note for Creating a VM in Azure using the CLI are the following key points:-

Create a VM using Azure CLI (know the order) 5 parameters

  • az group create –name GregorExamsRG –location westeurope
  • az vm create \
    –resource-group GregorExamsRG \
    –name myVM \
    –image win2016datacenter \
    –admin-username azureuser \
    –admin-password ThisisMyPassword123$
  • az vm open-port –port 80 –resource-group GregorExamsRG –name myVM


Azure Exam Tips Part 1 – Create an Azure VM in PowerShell

Tip #1 – I need to know how to create a Virtual Machine from PowerShell. Its something I have watched on videos and thought yeah that’s easy I can remember that, well turns out my memory isn’t so great and so in order to try to improve upon that I’m blogging it, and will practice these exams tips regularly in order to try to remember them.

Create a new Resource Group with a name and location, then do a get-credential to use a the logon details to the vm, and then do a New-AzureRmVm passing in 8 parameters.

So the points to note for Creating a VM in Azure from PowerShell are the following key points:-

Create a VM using PowerShell (know the order) 8 parameters

  1. New-AzureRmResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName “GregorExams” -Location “WestEurope”
  2. $cred = Get-Credential (this is where you supply the username and password for logging into the VM once its created)
  3. New-AzureRmVm
    -ResourceGroupName “GregorExams” -Name “GregVM1” -Location “WestEurope” -VirtualNetworkName “myVnet” -SubnetName “mySubnet” -SecurityGroupName “myNetWorkSecurityGroup”
    -PublicIpAddressName “myPublicIPAddress” -Credential $cred


So you want to learn some Azure skillz for free

As you may or may not know I’m on a personal mission to learn as much Azure as I can, its my passion.

I have taken some of the new beta exams recently and have 4 later this month, I’m using the new beta exams as a way to test what I have learnt and to find gaps in my learning.

This blog post will cover all of the different ways I am trying to learn Azure and hopefully this will be of use to someone wishing to learn Azure, from a beginner to someone more experienced.

Everything below is free, yep free.

To start with there is no better place than the new Microsoft Learn pages which can be found ->

Microsoft Learn which is completely free has modules and learning paths which currently cover beginner, intermediate and advanced Azure users.

Within Microsoft Learn you will also find links to Pluralsight courses, LinkedIn courses and Hands on Labs all of which I would highly recommend, there really is something for everyone. Whilst learning using Microsoft Learn you gain points and trophies and you level up as you go, below you can see where I am currently at and the courses I have completed and trophies you gain as you complete your learning.


There will be a lot more added in over time but there is currently 80+ hours of learning material.

The Pluralsight courses which are also free cover Azure Administrator, Microsoft Azure Developer and Microsoft Azure Solution Architect as seen below:-

Pluralsight if you sign up for it has the following courses within its library, again a huge number of courses and fantastic content:-

Along side that is LinkedIn Learning where you sign up and get a free months trial, LinkedIn Learning is actually very good and there is a tonne of Azure courses in there covering a huge amount of content on Azure. Here is a list of the types of things you’ll see if you try out LinkedIn Learning :-

One other great source I wanted to mention was Visual Studio Benefits:-

As  you can see, you get 3 Months Free Pluralsight, 3 Months Free LinkedIn Learning, Access to Microsoft Virtual Academy and much more.

So what are you waiting for, go learn some Azure skills and enjoy the free content!