Azure Logic App Api call save a file to Blob Storage

I wanted to see how easy it would be to create a Logic App to call an API and return data from it and then translate the contents into a CSV file, any excuse to learn something new and play with Logic Apps, which is not something I have done a lot of, to be honest.

So my goal was to pick an api, call it using a GET request, grab the json from the Api and then convert this to a csv file and then create a file on blob storage. In this blog post I will show you how I went about it.

I want my Logic App to do this each month and grab the data from the api and create a new blob so lets take a look at the end result and go through it step by step.

So we have 5 steps to accomplish this task.

Recurrence – this is just going to run the logic app on a schedule, so I am running this once each month.
HTTP – here is where I give it the API URL which in my case is
and I set the Request type to GET.
Parse JSON – Here I grab the JSON response from the HTTP step above and then parse it by supplying an example of the body from the JSON returned in the HTTP step. This looks like so:-

The Body (green part in the screen shot) is taken from the Dynamic Content where I just typed Body and then clicked on it.
Create CSV Table – now I want to interrogate the Parsed JSON from above and find the part of the JSON I am interested in and for this API I want the part called record which is the data I am interested in.

Again I clicked on the From part above and chose Dynamic content which lists the parts of the JSON returned and from there I chose records, I left the Columns as Automatic and thats all I needed to do here.
Create Blob – Now I want to create a new blob in Azure Storage soI chose that for my last step and gave it the connection details to my Azure Storage Blob container like so:-

I run the Logic App and it calls the API within the HTTP step, parses the returned JSON from the API, I then use the Create CSV Table step to format the data and then save the output from that step by using a Create Blob step.

And that is all there is to it, I did this just to learn something new and remind myself how cool Logic Apps are and how easy they are to use.

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