ElmahR – Elmah fused With SignalR

If your using Elmah then you’ll be familiar with most of this blog post, if not then don’t worry Elmah stands for Error Logging Modules and Handlers and is used to log unhandled exceptions to the file system, event log, databases or even have it email you the errors.

ElmahR was created by Roberto Vespa (@wasp_twit) and his blog on ElmahR can be found at:- Roberto’s blog

The basics – ElmahR uses Elmah and SignalR to create a dashboard page where you can monitor any unhandled exceptions in all of the applications you have running which use Elmah, that means if you have 5 websites in production you can have one web page monitor them all.

ElmahR Dashboard

To view an example dashboard running on app harbor.

ElmahR uses SignalR which again you can read more on Scott hanselman’s blog

Now lets see how we go about setting this up to work with a new MVC 3 project – the same steps apply to adding it to an existing web application.

  • Create a brand new web application, mvc or normal web app works fine.
  • Using Nuget add the following packages to your blank MVC solution, so add Elmah and JQuery.
  • Once both added follow the configurations steps here
  • You can install the Nuget Package:- ElmahRSource